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Understanding Groups
Learning Objectives
Understand the benefit of creating groups of measures and how to follow the ones you most care about.
-All Groups
-My Groups
All Groups can be accessed from the left menu, and My Groups from the body of the Landing Page, you can switch between All Groups and My Groups using the dropdown at the top of either page.
Your database may contain hundreds of measures and often cascaded deep into your organization. It is often necessary to create views of measures based on various criteria such as a strategic initiative or on a common problem or priority such as timeliness. Results allows you to name the group and load in measures that aligns with this need/criteria. Going forward you no longer have to search across the database. With one click you can get quick updates on performance of this particular group.
Over time the list of Groups within an organization can become quite long, so you can utilize the My Groups option to focus in on the Groups that are most important to your job role. To do so, simply click on the group icon. It will turn to green indicating that this is one of the groups you would like to follow. Going forward your preferred list of groups will show under My Groups. You can add and remove groups to My Groups by simply viewing all Groups and clicking on the group icons as needed.
Measures within the groups will have the standard measure views of List, Chart, Summary and Detail.
Please watch the video for a walkthrough of these functions.