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All Maps vs. My Map
Learning Objectives
Understand the various types of Maps within Results
- Describe the difference between All Maps and My Map
- Describe the pathways to move between All Maps and My Map
Results allows you create multiple scorecards of measures called Maps. Each Results user is assigned a home map which is represented by My Map, but they can view the entire set of Maps (All Maps) of the organizations. This transparency of measures is granted to break down silos within an organization. The Results Administrator manages the assignments of maps under Manage Users option under the Administrator menu.
My Map can be found in the center of the Home Screen. All Maps can be found in the left menu bar. When you are looking at All Maps, your home map assignment is marked with a red asterisk.
You can also set a relationship between the maps by naming one map as the parent map. This parent child relationship will be represented by the child being intended under the parent in the All Map listing. The system allows you to cascade to multiple teams and multiple levels.
Please watch the video for a walkthrough of these functions.