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Case Study:
Oregon Department of Transportation Central Services
The leadership team of Oregon’s Department of Transportation Central Services Division had identified the following mission critical needs and opportunities:
- Adopt a significant expansion of technology options to better meet business and citizen needs
- Address an imminent growth in business outsourcing
- Improve numerous agency initiatives that had under-performed in past
- Meet shifting ODOT employee demographics and fierce competition for talent
- Address cultural compliance orientation which often inhibited collaborative problem solving
- Reduce large number of silos
- Address significant employee dis-engagement and fatigue
- Tremendously mounting work load driven by a significant transportation package of $5.3 billion for projects over 10 years, which threatened to further strain agency staff capacity
- Respond to external assessment citing the need to:
- Cultivate a stronger culture of continuous performance improvement and accountability throughout the organization
- Implement new tools and approaches to launch operational efficiency initiatives across Central Services, especially for procurement, fleet, and facilities management
“Since using the Results Management System, the leadership team of the Central Services division has unified around a central theme of partnership in service excellence… The division members attending quarterly review meetings have mentioned on several occasions that looking at work using the Results Management System has increased their awareness of the affect they have on the work that we do. The system work has led to several continuous improvement efforts as well that have resulted in better customer service and operational efficiencies.”
– Diana Koppes, Business and Performance Services Manager and PhD Candidate –