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Searching For Information
Learning Objectives
Learn the two primary ways to search for information
- Top level search
- At a Glance-Measure Detail search
Results gives you a couple of different options for searching for information. The easiest way is to use the Search option on the top of the landing page. This will search for a specific keyword in the measure name, the measure owner field, and the tool file name and description field. The search will bring back results on measures in the first tab and the files in a second tab.
The second option is to use the At a Glance/Measure Detail pathway. You have the option to set the search to “All” so it pulls all the measures from the database or you can search a specific map. Once you have selected your starting point, simply search for a key word in the search box. The search will look for that key work in the measure name, owner name, and status box.
Please watch the video for a walkthrough of these functions.