Charting The Course for Success

Sometimes, when we are not sure which direction to go, it is reassuring to know that someone else has charted the course you need to take. This is especially true in the public sector where leaders are hesitant to try new methods as any missteps often become very public. For the private sector, the visibility […]
Staff and Data Compliance

Not to date myself too terribly, when I first started working after college, our word processing was on a Wang terminal with a green screen. The letters and memos were printed out on a giant dot matrix printer on tri-color carbon paper. The white copy would go to the recipient, the yellow copy into the […]
Jim Clark Shares a Manufacturing Success Story

I want to introduce you to Jim Clark, one of Mass Ingenuity’s high-energy senior consultants. Jim is responsible for several of our large public sector customers and several commercial ones. He is a master of creating high energy with executives and quickly driving results. Jim likes to say, “Measures are the currency of your Management […]
Graphs, Charts, and Visualizations with Meaning

One of my favorite uses of visualization is Charles Joseph Minard’s map of Napoleon’s disastrous Russian campaign of 1812. In fact, I have a framed version of it hanging just outside of my office. The graphic is notable for its representation in two dimensions of six types of data: the number of Napoleon’s troops; distance; […]
Mass Ingenuity Team Profile – Kelly Ferguson Shares a Customer Success Story

I’m delighted to introduce Kelly Ferguson, co-founder, and COO of Mass Ingenuity. As one of the original founders, Kelly has dedicated the last 10 years to bringing data-driven results to our customers. Her background includes formal education in Organization Development as well as years of selling experience. When asked about her secret to success in […]
Making Strategy Deployment a Reality

You may be drowning in data, have the wrong data, or have no data at all. But the speed and digitization of business demands rapid decision making and a willingness to break incrementalism strategy into small bits for other parts of your organization to complete. Tracking the meaningful activities of your entire organization and visualizing […]